tech timeline

  • The first telephone is invented

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the first type of telephone which transmits the sound of voice over electrical wires.
  • Commercial radio broadcasting becomes important.

    Commercial radio broadcasting becomes an important mass medium for entertainment and news.
  • The first households get access to television.

    The first households get television and are able to watch broadcasted programs.
  • The first communications satellite is launched

    The first communications satellite is launched which allowed everyone live broadcast of the 1964 Olympics.
  • The internet was invented

    Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerf invent the Internet. they were funded by the US Defense Department.
  • Microsoft was founded

    Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded Microsoft which dominated the Sofware industry.
  • The first smartphone was created

    IBM created the first smartphone which had a huge impact that influenced other companies.
  • Google is created

    Google is created, dominating the web industry.
  • PayPal is created

    PayPal is created, dominating the ecommerce field.
  • YouTube is created

    YouTube is created which started dominating the online video industry.
  • Teslas first car is released to the public

    Teslas first electric car was released starting the market for electric vehicles.
  • Instagram was released

    Instagram was released which becomes one of the biggest social media apps.
  • Snapchat was released

    snapchat was released becoming one of the most popular chatting and social media apps.
  • Air pods were released

    Air pods were released and were the first wireless earbuds.
  • TikTok was released

    TikTok was released which later on became a one of the biggest social media apps.