Screenshot 2017 03 03 at 2.20.15 pm

My Life Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    Michael holding me in the hospital
  • Michael's Birthday

    Michael's Birthday
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    My birthday. The year before Malani was born
  • Malani was born

    Malani was born
    A picture of Malani when she was in the hospital
  • 1st Pet

    1st Pet
    First day home
  • 2nd Birthday

    2nd Birthday
  • Malani's Birthday

    Malani's Birthday
  • 3rd Birthday

    3rd Birthday
  • 4th Birthday

    4th Birthday
  • Maleeya was born

    Maleeya was born
    Malani holding Maleeya when she was in the hospital
  • Maleeya's Birthday

    Maleeya's Birthday
  • 4th of July

    4th of July
  • Tavin was born

    Tavin was born
    My Nephew was born
  • Angela got stitches

    Angela got stitches
    Before she got stitches
  • Volleyball

  • Tavin's Birthday

    Tavin's Birthday
    Nephews Birthday
  • Went to Michigan

    Went to Michigan
  • James was born

    James was born
    Nephew in the hospital
  • James's 1st Christmas

    James's 1st Christmas
  • Christmas

    Christmas with my cousins
  • Maleeya's 1st haircut

    Maleeya's 1st haircut
  • Malani got her ears pierced!!

    Malani got her ears pierced!!