Tech Timeline

By Zacwill
  • Period: to

    2000-2010 Technology’s

  • PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2
    Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment, the PS2 quickly became one of the best selling video games consoles of all time. With an uprgrade in hardware with the addition of playing dvd’s, the PS2 was defining itself as more than just a gaming console but an entertainment console instead.
  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    The USB flash drive was invented by Dov Moran. This invention replaced floppy discs and CD’s in the world of data storage and transfer. A portable device that revolutionized the process with not only speed but convenience.
  • Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11g)

    Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11g)
    Otherwise known as Wi-Fi 3, developed by Wi-Fi Alliance, enhanced wireless networking making it more efficient and and widespread in homes/businesses. There is no specified date on when it was developed but it was developed in 2003.
  • Blu-Ray Disc

    Blu-Ray Disc
    Developed by Blu-Ray Disc Association, the blu ray disc was made to expand upon the capabilities of the dvd. With high definition video quality and large amounts of data, the Blu-Ray disc became the new standard medium for HD video.
  • iPhone

    Developed by Apple Inc., the iPhone revolutionized mobile technology by combining a phone, music player, and internet communicator in a single device. This new device set new standards for the mobile device world.