Tech Project #3 1942-1953

  • World War II: U.S. declares its neutrality in European conflict.

  • Japan attacks Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines.

  • Allies invade North Africa.

  • Allies invade Italy.

  • Allies invade France on D-Day.

  • Germany surrenders unconditionally

  • U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

  • First atomic bomb is detonated at Alamogordo, N.M.

  • U.S. drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan.

  • Japan agrees to unconditional surrender.

  • F. Roosevelt's fourth inauguration

  • President Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at Yalta in the USSR to discuss postwar occupation of Germany.

  • President Roosevelt dies of a stroke and is succeeded by his vice president, Harry Truman.

  • United Nations is established.

  • Presidential Succession Act is signed into law by President Truman.

  • Central Intelligence Agency is established.

  • Congress passes foreign aid bill including the Marshall Plan, which provides for European postwar recovery.

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is established.

  • North Korean communists invade South Korea.

  • President Truman, without the approval of Congress, commits American troops to battle.

  • Period: to

    Korean War: Cold war conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces on Korean Peninsula.

  • President Truman removes Gen. Douglas MacArthur as head of U.S. Far East Command.

  • Armistice agreement is signed.