Tech Project #3 1600-1700

  • Period: 1558 to

    Reign of Queen Elizabeth I

  • Reign of James I began

  • Jamestown founded

  • Henry Hudson looked for the Northwest Passage

  • John Rolfe established tobacco production in Virginia

  • First Africans brought to Virginia

  • First legislative assembly met in Virginia

  • First Pilgrams (Separatists) founded Plymouth colony Mayflower Compact

  • Violent Indian attacks in Virginia- no integrated society

  • Puritans established Massachusetts Bay Colony at Boston

  • Harvard founded in Massachusetts

  • Roger Williams founded settlement in Rhode Island

  • Period: to

    English Civil War

  • Last major Powhatan uprising against English settlersin Virginia

  • Massachusetts public schooling law

  • Execution of Charles I and beginning of Interregnum (Cromwell)

  • English Restoration-Charles II

  • Period: to

    Passage of the Navigation Acts

  • Marquette and Jolliet explored the Mississippi River

  • Period: to

    King Philip's War

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • William Penn recieved charter for Pennsylvania

  • Dominion of New England established

  • Glorious Revolution in England- William and Mary replaced James II

  • Rebellion against Andros in New England, Leisler's rebellion in New York

  • Salem Witchcraft trials

  • 250,000 settlers in the English colonies