Tech Progression

  • Intel 1103

    Intel 1103
    Inventor: Robert Dennard (but this model was developed by an Intel team)
    This was the first time DRAM (Dynamic Access Memory) had been on the market and it meant computers could quickly access information.
  • floppy disc

    floppy disc
    Inventor: Howard Aiken
    This machine was an experiment that used ideas from Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine and the technology of the 40s to it in order to make an early calculator
  • First email system

    First email system
    Inventor: Ray Tomlinson
    The ARPANET system allowed computers to send messages to computers within the system instantaneously and totally electronically
  • The "@"

    The "@"
    Inventor: Ray Thompson
    As more systems for sending email popped up people needed a way to send email between computers of different systems. The "@" allowed people to specify which system and computer was receiving the mail.
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    Inventor: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
    This was the first computer with a single circuit board. This made the computer more efficient and smaller. It also introduced Apple which continues to be a tech giant.