Jan 1, 1000
log boats
log boats besides rafts where the second type of boat made -
Sep 30, 1000
urus where used as trading boats by arabs to trade to other contrys
in 9000 bc -
Sep 29, 1500
in 1500 the gondola was made to use in the water ways in italy to be more eficant and carry more passengers -
padle steamer
in 1776 the paddle steamer was made to trade with difernt contries without take months or years to reach them -
motor boats
motor boats wher made 1900 used to fish and leave fishing spots faster without having to paddle american enganiers -
air boats where made in 1920 to us in the swamp fast and easy -
sail boats
there are lots of sail boats like schooners cuters etc -
40000 bc dugouts where the first boats ever made -
kyaks where made 4000 bc used to cross rivers with trading goods or hunting or fishing catches that where made by early natives -
canoes where used to cross rapids with out geting wet and cold and without geting recked like a raft in 7600 bc