Tech of 2000

  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth became widely available. It was created by Jaap Haartsen. While it was officially released in 1999, the technology was too expensive for a majority of the public to afford. This allowed things such as wireless earpieces. Improvments in the technology led to things such as wireless game controllers, wireless headsets , and wireless speakers. 
  • Facebook

    Facebook was invented by Mark Zuckerberg. It was the first major social platform, killing off old and outdated ones such as Myspace. Everyone had a Facebook account from what I remember growing up. This inspired other platforms that followed like Snapchat and Instagram that came after it. You could share stories and images of yourself and be able to connect and find people that you may have lost contact with. 
  • YouTube

    YouTube was invented by a group of three people. Their names where Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, and Steve Chen . People all over the world could create videos and share them for the world to see. Similar to Facebook but more focused on videos rather then phots and status updates. This to me is one of the more impactful creations. I can't count the number of times I have used this website for help with either fixing something on my truck, or getting help with school work.
  • PS3

    PS3 was released, it was the next big home console that really kicked of online gaming such COD games. Everyone and their mother seemed to either have a PS3 or an Xbox. The PS3 stands for PlayStation 3 and was created by Sony. It could be used to play Blu-rays as well, and people started using streaming services such as Netflix because of the internet capabilities it had.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone was released by Apple. This was the first main stream smart phone device that used a touch screen for the user interface. The android OS was soon releases as a response for the iPhone. This really changed the landscape for phones as they tried copying the iPhone and the major success that it had. People could now browse the web, send text messages, take photos, and listen to music on the same device.