Tech in the 90s

  • First Web Page was Served on the Open Internet

    First Web Page was Served on the Open Internet
    1. 1990
    2. The World Wide Web went public
    3. Invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee
    4. This has given people all over the world access to endless information
  • Period: to

    Tech Inventions of the 1990s

  • First Ever Text Message

    First Ever Text Message
    1. 1992
    2. Texting
    3. Neil Papworth
    4. The invention of sending a Text message changed how we communicate, today texting is the most common form of digital communication.
  • The First Playstation!!

    The First Playstation!!
    1. 1994
    2. Sony Playstation
    3. Ken Kutaragi
    4. This was Sony's first gaming system and changed the course of video games, setting a new president.
  • The First DVD Player

    The First DVD Player
    1. 1996
    2. The DVD Player
    3. Philips/Sony technology
    4. The world’s first DVD player was the Toshiba SD-3000, this made watching movies a breeze. We no longer has to rewind a VHS tape to start a movie over.
  • TiVo

    1. 1999
    2. TiVo DVR (Digital Video Recording)
    3. Jim Barton and Mike Ramsay
    4. DVR gave us the ability to record, pause, and rewind live TV. Prior to this a VCR had to be set up to record live television. The invention of the DVR launched us into the 2000s leading to all the streaming apps we know and love today.