Technology in Grade School

  • CD player

    CD player
    CD players were used in school for read alouds and academic rhyming songs.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    When I was in elementary school we had these types of projectors. These were used to project math problems or ELA content.
  • Computer Labs

    Computer Labs
    When computers were first introduced, we had computer labs. The class would go to the computer lab once or twice a week. During that time we would go on academic websites.
  • Walkies

    Teachers often had walkies with them at all times. Students never used them, but they were used when a teacher needed support with a students or if there was a situation. Walkies are still commonly used today.
  • TVs on cart

    TVs on cart
    Classrooms didn't always have tv's back then. These tv's were often used to watch a film to supplement the lessons that were being taught.
  • Computer Carts

    Computer Carts
    As technology advanced, schools had access to laptops in classrooms. With those laptops, students were able to do research, watch videos, find art, etc.
  • Projectors

    Projectors were now able to be connected to laptops and were no longer bulky. Teachers often use projectors to show slides when teaching, videos, directions and example of things that are being taught.
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    Many schools are starting to have smart boards in classrooms. These are often used as an interactive tool for teaching.