Tim Berners Lee Launched the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web is something that we use everyday of our lives, without it, life for everyone would be alot harder because information would be harder to retrive. -
The First Web Page Was Created
Webpages are very overlooked on how the internet is set-up, without webpages, the internet would have very little value becuase that is what most people think of when they think of the Internet, -
The First Webcam was created
Webcams are a very important part of The Internet. It connects friends and how they communicate. From personal experience i can say webcams are a great invention -
Mosaic Was Created
The Internet Web Browser Mosaic was created and led to other creations like Google.com -
AOL began to offer Internet
Without AOL the internet would be in a different place and the internet wouldnt be the same -
Hotmail was created
Having used them as an email service myself, Hotmail is a great was to email through the web. Hotmail in 1996 was the first web-based email service. -
Myspace was created
Having had one myself, Myspace is a great was to social network and to share things with friends, Myspace is not as popular anymore though due to Facebook and Twitter -
Web 2.0 was invented
Web 2.0 is another way of saying "the web as a platform" -
Facebook was launched
In February 2004, Facebook was only open to college students, now as one of the most popular websites in the world, facebook has made an impact in almost everyones lives. -
Twitter was Launched
In 2006 Twitter was launched, having one myself, I personally like it better than Facebook, it is simpler and alot easier to use. -