Tech 2

  • DOI

    This document was signed in Philadelphia and was mainly created by Thomas Jefferson. This claimed the separation of American colonies against British rule. It helped outline out rights by highlighting "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
  • Period: to

    tech 2

  • Revolutionary war ending

    Revolutionary war ending
    The end of this war was caused by the surrendering of General Cornwallis during Yorktown. The ending and victory resulted in the treaty of Paris. This created a chain reaction which had overall effect being the establishment of the US as independent.
  • US Constitution

    US Constitution
    This paperwork establishes the different branches of the government and separates power. This includes Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. it also mentions the system of checks and balances. It has been adjusted several times to meet the needs of society as it changes.
  • First President election

    First President election
    George Washington was the first president elected and received all 69 electoral votes. He helped stabilize the government after the revolutionary war. He served 2 terms and had major intentions of unifying the nation and much more.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    This was a violent protest during George Washingtons presidency due to taxes. Farmers felt this was unfair and refused to pay. In response the president ordered his army/militia to fix this issue.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    This event was describes the event f when the US bought 828,000 miles of land for 15 Million dollars from France. This purchase was made by president Jefferson in attempt to magnify westward growth and control the Mississippi river.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    This adventure was brought on by president Thomas Jefferson to explore the territory of Louisiana. This event was done to work with the Native Americans, map the area, and find new routes. this helped the westward expansion as they found lots new Information.
  • Atlantic Slave trade Abolished

    Atlantic Slave trade Abolished
    The intentions of this event was to end the trafficking of enslaved africans. This included the ending of the Slave trade act and the US ban on imports. Although this didn't completely stop slavery right away, it was a step in the right direction.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This war occurred between the United States and Great Britain. This battle was led by Andrew Jackson and resulted in the win from the US side. This win resulted in the gaining and rising of American nationalism.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This act forced the moving of Native Americans and their tribes with the intentions to make room for white settlers. This resulted in the start of the Trail of tears. This caused much struggles and pain through the loss of life and land.