Teaching Towards Democracy

  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Author of the 95 theses. a list of 95 things he felt the church was doing wrong. This action and his formation of the protestant sect caused the splitting of the Christian faith in to manny sects.
  • 1543


  • Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower compact was a set of societal rules constructed by the people aboard the mayflower to insure there would be order kept in the new community.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    A treaty signed by Spain, Holland and Germany ending the 80 year war.
  • Inclosure Acts

  • Wealth of Nations

  • Alexis Tocqueville

    A French writer who explored america for 9 months returning to write a book called Democracy in America which informed european civilians on how government could be ran.
  • "Aint I a Woman"

    Was a speech given by a former slave by the name of Sojouner Truth at a women's rights convention in Ohio. Sojouner protested both rights for women and the abolitionist movement.
  • Gettysburg Adress

    four months after the Unions victory at Gettysburg Pennsylvania at the commemoration of the Gettysburg cemetery President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech honoring the struggle of the soldiers who gave their life to preserve the union.
  • Max Weber

  • John Maynard Keynes

  • Milton Freidmen

    One wrote influential economic books pushing for a free market as well as pushing for abolishing the war time draft. His writings and beliefs were popular for the american youth at the time.
  • I Have a Dream

    Speech given by Martin Luther King at the Lincoln memorial. The speech was aimed to bring civil rights issues to the forefront.
  • Robert Putnam