The Decembrist Revolt
Autocracy & serfdom broke out in Senate Square in St. Petersburg. Only members of the upper classes who had military backgrounds. Russian officers led about 3,000 soldiers to portest against Nicholas 1. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the serfs
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the russian throne
the day that he was abdicates from the throne, there was after strikes and general revolts break out in Petrograd, which is now St. Petersburg. -
NIcholas II becomes czar of Russia
He was the last czar that Russia had.After his fathers death he was unprepared for such a role.l He was the last of the Romanov Dynasty, which had ruled Russia for 300 years. -
The social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolshveiks
These two group were also called Red ( Bolcheviks) and White (Mensheviks). They went into war wich was world war I. The red ended up winning and with power. -
The Russo-Japanese War
"The first great war of the 20th century." The Janpanese military got victory over the Russians forces. -
The March Revolution
Factories in the largest cities wanted 50%, 30,000 workers were locked out of work. After Nicholas death people got killed and the rioters became even more angry. -
The revolution of 1905
A wave of mass political and social unrest soreaded. Worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies. -
World War l
" First war" or the " Great war". 9 million were combatants and 7 million died. This had assembled in two opposing alliances which were Allies and Germany. -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
Was led by Prince Georgy Lvov, but then which was replaced by the Socialist coalition led by Alexander Kerensky. The point of this was to organization of elections to the Russian Constituent Assembly and its convention. -
Vladmir Lenin & the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
Lenin was determined to lead the bolsheviks by exploiting the war-weariness. During the summer and spring he tried to attempted to rally the crowds in the streets of St. Petersburg. -
The Russian Civil War begins
Fighting in this war was the Red Army and the White Army. Red Army defeated the White Armed Forces of South Russia in Ukraine and the army. 7 milllion people died during this war. -
Nicholas II and his family are excuted
Ation had been ordered by the government in Moscow by lenin. Eleven peole including Yurovsky was part of the shooting of the family. -
Bloody Sunday
Sometimes called the Bogside Massacre. 26 civil rights protesters was shot by the Britsih Army. This campaign had begun in the two years prior to Bloody Sunday. This was represnted by the Provisional Irish Republican Army. -
Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
When Lenin dies Stalin wanted to go on and achive what Lenin started which was the Soviet Union.