TBT Intro webquest

By fortnut
  • Communism

    Around 1920. Communism is a form of government which makes every citizen have the same rights as one another. Hitler was opposed to it because he wanted to rule everything to himself.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Before 1933 (When hitler started his reign) Hitler was a painter and writing books. Mein Kampf is one of the books that he wrote about his troubles. When he took over the Germans thought he was a good leader from the things he was putting into there heads.
  • Nazi Camps

    Immediately after Hitler was elected chancellor, these camps started popping up. There were about 44,000 of these camps. The prisoners were jewish and people who opposed the viewings.
  • Liesel and Rudys day in the life

    German Physician were the greatest party to join the nazis. The purpose of Hitler Youth was to turn young boys into SA.(Storm Troopers). There was also a Girls Groups.(League of German Girls) Some activities were sports, music, crafts and how to become a housewife
  • Reichstag Fire

    The communist burned down the Reichstag. This made Hitler furious and the Nazis said it was to try to derail them
  • Book Burning of Germany

    The books were burned since they gave out "ungerman ideas". 2 Authors of the books were Frued Einstein and Thomas Mann.
  • The Nuremberg Race Laws

    These laws deprived German Jews of their rights of citizenship, giving them the status of "subjects". Also, Jews cannot have relationships with Aryans
  • Jessie Owens

    Was an African American Track and Field runner. He was the first american to win 4 gold medals in track and field. He tied the world record for the 100m dash as a highschooler and he holds 3 world records
  • Kristallnacht

    This was a nazi program throughout Germany and Austria on the night november 9-10 which jews were killed and business were destroyed. Massive coordinated attack.
  • Holocaust History

    Term Holocaust means a sacrifice consued by fire. The Sysetmatic slaughter is called that because the Nazis burned the jews after they were killed.
  • Ghettos

    The term "Ghetto" was a step in the Nazi Process of brutally separating, persecuting, and ultimately destroying Europe's Jews. There were 3 types of ghettos, open, closed, and destruction