Taylors period 7 religious quiz

By 901880
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism part 1

    Hinduism part 1
    1] India is where the most Hindus live
    2] 15% of the world is Hindu
    3] they have four holy books known as the Vedas
    4] there holy symbol is the om
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism part 2

    Hinduism part 2
    1] Varanasi is the holy temple of the hindus.
    2]they believe in a lot of karma and reaching holy divinity and incarnation.
    3] they celebrate rituals such as bathing in holy water ro relive sin and reach holy divinity
    4]they fought over land and by which religon should rule it
  • 600 BCE

    buddism part 1

    buddism part 1
    1] asia
    2] 7% of the world practices buddism
    3] triptaka

    4]muslims and buddist fought each other in a genocide
  • 600 BCE

    buddhism part 2

    buddhism part 2
    1] there are four holy locations lumbini, bohda gaya, sarnath, kushgar
    2]they believed in the Buddha a god who would grant them holy divinity and take part in mediation and seek Nirvana or enlightenment
    3] vesak is where they celebrate Buddhas birthday
  • 570 BCE

    islam part 1

    islam part 1
    1] northern africa western asia
    2] 1.2 billion practice islam
    3]the holy quaran
    4] the cresent and the star
  • 570 BCE

    islam part 2

    islam part 2
    1] mecca is where they take pilgrimage
    2] they believe in the 5 pillars of Islam which are like the rules of life
    3] fasting and Ramadan are some holidays celebrated by muslims
    4] the crusades was when christanit and islam went to war over land
  • 500 BCE

    Judaism part 1

    Judaism part 1
    1] Israel is where most Jews live today along with in america
    2]0.2% of the world are Jews
    3] there holy book is the taro
    4]the star of David
  • 500 BCE

    Judaism part 2

    Judaism part 2
    1] juersulum is a holy place because that is where Hanuka started
    2] they believe in god and the ten commandments are the rules of life
    3]they celebrate hanukkah and it is 9 days long and yom kipper is a celebration of thanks and age
    4] world war 2 was jews versus the christians when hitler tried to kill them all and many were killed
  • 20

    christianity part 2

    christianity part 2
    1] a church is where christians pray
    2]the believe in god and jesus is his son and he died on the cross for him
    3] christmas is jesus birthday and easter is him being reborn
    4]the crusades was a war fought between the christians and muslims for land and rights
  • 20

    christianity part 1

    christianity part 1
    1]north america is home to most christians
    2] 2.4 billion people follow this religion
    3] the bible is the holy book
    4] the cross