Punic war ended (bc)
Punic War Started (bc)
Kingdom of Ghana started
Byzantine empire established (ad)
Polynesian war ended (bc)
Western Half Collapsed (ad)
Byzantine empire started
Justinian started rule
Start of Persian War (bc)
Justinian ended rule
Muhammed was born
Dec 22, 610
Islam Started
Dec 22, 632
Muhammed died
Dec 22, 632
Sunnis started
Dec 22, 632
Shiites started
Oct 7, 720
Chariot racin began (ad)
Oct 7, 776
Olympic Games Began (bc)
Period: Sep 2, 1000 to Sep 2, 1200
Iron Age
(bc) -
Oct 23, 1033
Vikings ended
Dec 22, 1054
Almoravid rulers came south
Around 1054, the
Almoravid rulers came south to conquer the Kingdom of Ghana and convert
the people to Islam. -
Dec 22, 1100
Kingdom of Ghana ended
Dec 22, 1235
Kingdom of Mali started
Oct 23, 1306
John Comyn killed
Oct 23, 1320
Pope John XXII appealed
Sep 8, 1400
Hittites (bc)
Oct 23, 1438
Inca Civilization started
Dec 22, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci was born
Nov 3, 1453
Byzantine empire ended
Dec 22, 1460
Vasco de Gama was born
Dec 22, 1474
Ponce de Leon was born
Dec 22, 1483
Martin Luther was born
Jan 5, 1492
Exchange of plants and animals
Dec 22, 1492
Columbus sailed
Dec 22, 1493
Ponce de Leon sailed to america
Jan 5, 1500
Slave Trade started
Sep 8, 1500
phoenicians (bc)
Dec 22, 1503
Mona lisa was started
Feb 2, 1506
Charles V was Duke of Burgundy and ruler of the Netherlands
Oct 7, 1517
Hykos were conqured (bc)
Dec 22, 1517
Mona Lisa was completed
Dec 22, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci died
Oct 23, 1521
Aztec civilization ended
Dec 22, 1524
Vasco de Gama died
Oct 23, 1533
Inca Civilzation ended
Oct 7, 1570
The New Kingdom started (bc)
Kingdom of Mali ended
Louis XIV was born
England's civil war started
Englads civil war ended
Baron de Montesquieu was born
Louis XIV died
John Kay invents the flying shuttle
Big ErCesare Beccaria was born
Equiano was born an Igbo i
Mary Antonette was born
start of the industrial revolution
The spinning jenny is invented
James Watt improves the steam engin
David Bushnell invents a submarine
Benjamin Hanks patents the self-winding clock
Andrew Meikle invents the threshing machine
Start of French Revolution
French Rev.started
French revolution started
Women's march
Mary antonette died
Cesare Beccaria died
Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.
Olaudah Equiano's Interesting Narrative, first published in London in 1789.
End of french revolution
French Rev. ended
French revolution ended
Slave Trade ended
End of the industrial revolution
Louis Pasteur was born
William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet
American, W.A. Burt invents a typewriter
Young Italy was formed
Otto became prime minister
Victorian age started
Opium War
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.
Irish potato famine started
Elias Howe invents the sewing machine.
irish potato famine ended
The Bessemer Method for processing steel is invented.
Pasteur returned to the Ecole Normale
Seven years war started
Alfred Nobel creates dynamite.
Seven Years War ended
The franco prussian war started
European Imperialism Started
Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases.
Thomas Edison uses a light bulb to light a lamp.
Haile Selassie Ethiopian emperor,
Louis Pasteur died
Victorian age ended
Dr. Suess was born
Gavrilo Princip assassinates Franz Ferdinand.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and Germany sign a secret treaty of alliance.
Austria-Hungary invades Russia.
European Imperialism Ended
David Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister of Britain.
Woodrow Wilson re-elected President of the United States
The first wave of the American Expeditionary Force lands in France.
American troops in France fire their first shot in trench warfare.
Two waves of influenza kill more people than did the war
Allied counter offensives on the Somme push the German army back and into retreat
A German republic is founded.
Paris Peace Conference in the spring
Russian civil war fails to unseat the Bolsheviks.
Mussolini established the Facist party
King tut's tomb was discovered
Lenin died
Christianity was established (bc)
Japan attacked chinese provinces.
Stalin family established in the USSR
World War 2 Started
World War 2 started
Germans Invaded the soviet union
Ceaser Ruled (bc)
Italy was invaded
World War 2 ended
World War 2 ended
End of ww2
UN started
Committee of civil rights
Cold War began
U.S. Partition Plan
Israel declared themselves a nation
Aparthed started
Russia began to develop the atomic bomb
Israel won the war
Nato started
U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Iranian government.
Soviets launch first man‑made satellite.
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
China explodes its first atomic bomb
Six Day War Starts
Six Day War Ends
Colosseum was built (ad)
Vespasian Destroyed Jerusalem (ad)
President Richard Nixon visits China.
Haile Selassie Ethiopian emperor
Dr. Suess died
Cold War ended
Aparthed ended
Assyruans (bc)
Iraw war started
Iraq war ended
President Obama was elected
Cuban leader Raúl Castro was elected
Vladimir Putin elected
1.3 Billion people will be living in China
Hannibal war (bc)
Aztec Civilization started
Inca civilization started
Colonied Revolted (bc)
end of mayan civilization
Christianity is claimed at the main religion
Persians returned to Greece (bc)
Viking started
The Miiddle Kingdom started (bc)
Ruling of Gilgamesh (bc)
Menes became the first pharoh (bc)
Sumer civilization (bc)