Taylorś Colonial Timeline

  • 1620, Massachusetts

    1620, Massachusetts
    In this picture the Indians , pilgrims meet and they have a big talk.
  • 1626, New York

    1626, New York
    In 1626, boats arrive at New York.
  • 1634, Maryland

    1634, Maryland
    In 1634, The settlers are looking at the cross.
  • 1636, Rhode Island

    1636, Rhode Island
    In 1636,the settlers are sitting and listing to a man that has a book that he is reading to the men
  • 1638, New Hampshire

    1638, New Hampshire
    In 1638, the men are setting up of where they are going to stay and live until other people come and take it over.
  • 1653, Delaware

    1653, Delaware
    In 1653, settlers have arrived at Delaware
  • 1663,South Carolina

    1663,South Carolina
    In 1663, men have been talking about where they are going to do if new people come to there world.
  • 1664,New Jersey

    1664,New Jersey
    In 1664,men/Indians and gathering to meet the colonists and showing the some things for them to fight in there battle.
  • 1681,Pennsylvania

    In 1681,all of the pilgrims come to Pennsylvania