Taxi Driver-Transportation Operation

By sel104
  • The Hackney Carriage Act

    The Hackney Carriage Act
    The Hackney Carriage Act was the first legislation passed that controlled horse-drawn carriages for hire in England.
  • Taxi Jobs in the 16th century

    Taxi Jobs in the 16th century
    In Paris, Nicolas Sauvage offered horse-drawn carriages and drivers for hire.
  • Taximeter

    The taximeter is the instrument which measures the distance or time a vehicle travels and allows an accurate fare to be determined. The taximeter was invented by the German inventor, Wilhelm Bruhn.
  • The First Dedicated Taxi

    The First Dedicated Taxi
    Gottlieb Daimler built the world's first dedicated taxi called the Daimler Victoria. The taxi came equipped with the newly invented taxi meter.
  • The First Motorized Taxi Company

    The First Motorized Taxi Company
    On 16 June 1897, the Daimler Victoria taxi was delivered to Friedrich Greiner, a Stuttgart entrepreneur who started the world's first motorized taxi company.
  • Paris

    Gas powered taxicabs began operating in Paris.
  • First Taxi Accident

    First Taxi Accident
    On September 13, 1899, the first American died in a car accident. That car was a Taxi, there were about one hundred taxis operating on New York's streets that year.
  • London

    This is when London started using gas powered taxicabs.
  • New York

    New York
    The United Stated was the last country to start using gas powered taxicab.
  • Two-Way Radios

    Two-Way Radios
    The first major innovation after the invention of the taximeter occurred in the late 1940s, when two-way radios first appeared in taxicabs.
  • Europe

    In the 1960s in Europe, Mercedes-Benz and Peugeot offered diesel taxicabs.
  • Computer Assistant Dispatchers

    Computer Assistant Dispatchers
    The next major innovation occurred in the 1980s, when computer assisted dispatching was introduced.