Taxes of Mexico and the world

  • 1325


    King Azcapotzalco asked the Aztecs for a raft sown with fruits and flowers, as well as a heron brooding eggs.
  • 1521


    Hernán Cortes arrives in Mexico, and adopts the tax system that had changed the tributes of flowers and animals for food, stones and jewelry.
  • 1573


    The alcabala is introduced, which is the equivalent of VAT and then the toll (right of way).
  • 1810

    They multiplied and the fifth of silver was charged, gold and silver test XIX.
    Taxes for the area of ​​yarn, fabric, tobacco and alcohol.
    Great fiscal disorder, and Juarista fiscal policy.
  • 1822

    In 1822 the first public budget is formally drawn up in England and the executive power passes to account to the legislative power that sets taxes.
  • 1833

    Before Independence, they were paid: alcabalas, gabelas (levies) and tolls (payment of rights to use bridges and roads).
  • 1858

    Antonio López de Santa Anna decrees a contribution of one real for each door, four cents for each window in the houses, two pesos per year for each Frisian horse (robust), and one peso for each skinny horse.
  • 1869

    Matías Romero, entonces secretario de hacienda, estableció el impuesto sobre ingresos mercantiles (ISIM), conocida como “ley del timbre”, creada para regular el pago de tributos.
  • 1875

    Later, the collection would stagnate, coinciding with the great mortality derived from the agrarian crisis of 1785, which produced about 300,000 deaths in rural areas and, therefore, a sharp decline in the universe of tributaries
  • 1893

    Porfiriato: Finance Minister José Yves Limantour actively monitor the payment of taxpayers increasing collection.
  • 1910

    Mexican Revolution: taxes were stopped being paid, since many of the country's inhabitants were engaged in arms. The military leaders demanded disbursements of money. For those goods such as arms and ammunition, they then required “forced loans” in cash.
  • 1921

    The "centennial law" is created, the most remote antecedent to ISR in Mexico, issued by Álvaro Obregón and Adolfo de la Huerta.
  • 1924

    The "ISR" enters into force, with 6% per year.
  • 1928

    The rate on salaries was reduced from 8% to 5%.
  • 1980

    After several years of attempts to replace, on January 1, the López Portillo government, the ISIM in the Value Added Tax (VAT), here we begin to pay 10%.
    The law was approved by José López Portillo, replacing the Federal law on the tax on the sugar, alcohol, brandy and packaging of alcoholic beverages industry.
  • 1983

    The 6% rate is implemented in food and medicine (industrialized).
    The 20% rate is imposed on Luxury items.
  • 1991

    At the end of this year the general rate is lowered from 15% to 10% and the 20% rate is eliminated on luxury items.
  • 1991

    It is specified that legal entities will maintain a rate of 30%
  • 1995

    The general rate is increased again from 10% to 15%. The famous "Roqueseñal"
  • 1999

    A reduction in the rate to 22% is proposed.
  • 2002

    The new Income Tax Law restructures the previous one and incorporates provisions of miscellaneous rules, jurisprudence and regulations, and includes a specific title for multinational companies.