
By Alia
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to


    Prior to confederation colonial governments were collecting taxes and sending them back to the home country.
  • First Recorded Tax

    First Recorded Tax
    The King of France, Louis XIV, imposed the first recorded tax (in Canadian History) – an export tax of 50% on all beaver pelts and 10% on all moose hides on leaving his colonies.
  • British North American Act

    British North American Act
    The Canadian government began to collect tax through the passing of The British North America Act.
  • World War One - After Confederation

    World War One - After Confederation
    The war encouraged the government to increase taxes to finance the war.
  • Direction Taxation

    Direction Taxation
    The federal government implemented a new method of direct taxation – a corporation tax that was known as the business profit war tax.
  • Income War Tax and Personal and Corporate Income Tax

    Income War Tax and Personal and Corporate Income Tax
    The Income War Tax Act was introduced by the Federal Government, led by Sir Robert L. Borden. In July the federal government imposed another tax; on personal and corporate income. Up until this time period the government only collected indirect taxes.
  • Department of National Revenue

    Department of National Revenue
    The Department of National Revenue was created
  • Old Age Security Act

    Old Age Security Act
    The Department of Nation Revenue began to collect Old Age Security Tax on personal and corporate income. This tax was assessed under the Old Age Security Act.
  • GST

    The Federal Government implemented the Goods and Services Tax replacing the Federal Sales Tax.
  • Tax Payer Bill of Rights

    Tax Payer Bill of Rights
    The Taxpayer Bill Of Rights was established. The Bill outlined what the taxpayer can expect of the CRA.