
  • 1 BCE

    The Creation Song

    • The Seven Major Arcana began creation
    • The Uninvited interrupted and distorted creation, which led to the Underdark.
    • Major Arcana cast the Uninvited out and restarted creation, separating the underdark from the top world with the Realm between Worlds.
    • Solaxus was created to bring light, she breathed fire into the Twin Forges and kicked off the 1st Dawn.
  • 1 CE

    The First Dawn Begins

    Solaxus ignites the twin forges
  • 2

    Creation of the Minor Arcana

    Elemental Titans: Oulay the Green, Be'ru the Clear, Volpriel the Blue, and Magmus the Red Giants: Most notable were Ultris, Kollas, Ugsar, Aledhor, Enar, Unnir, and Browthos The Forsted Pheonix The Great White Stag The Sea Worm The Uruk Tree Ancient Dragons: Ormr, Zahhak, and Ryu Se'luna and Luna: the sister moons
  • 3

    Solaxus Lays Dragon Eggs

    • Solaxus lays 5 chromatic dragon eggs in Melikard
    • The eggs descend like a meteors, causing desimation to the land scape and forming a large crater known as The Nest.
    • The eggs lay dormant for hundreds of years with Solaxus warming them with their fire as they pass over the horizon.
  • Period: 4 to 500

    Giant Expansion

    • Giants begin to migrate and occupy all of Tauriel
    • They create great constructs including a large wall and mural in the lands of Torthas.
    • Unnir has the first vision known as future sight, foretelling the Giants would rule and bring new life to Tauriel, but their continued domination will lead to their ruin.
  • Period: 150 to 750

    Birth and Rise of Dragons

    • The five chromatic eggs laid by Solaxus hatch
    • The first five dragons are known as the Ancients, each had a unique hue in their scales (Red, Black, Blue, White, and Green).
    • The dragons begin populating the lands that are now known as Melikard and spread into the other lands.
    • By the end of year 750 were a total of 100,000 dragons.
    • Dragons and Giants started getting into small scuffles
  • 750

    Visions of Cizin Ah Puch

    • Giants with future sight give omens of "Cizin Ah Puch" (a doomsday like prophecy) and begin inscribing these visions on the great mural wall in Torthas
    • Many Giant's interpreted to coincide with the birth of dragons, though the prophecy never named the dragons
    • in the years to come, pieces of new omens are given and the Giants grow to become paranoid
  • 900

    Creation of Fey by the Elemental Titans

    The elemental Minor Arcana begin to sing their own creation song and bring the fey to be.
  • 995

    The Giant Aapo Slays one of the Ancients

    • Paranoid and believing the dragons are what cause Cizin Ah Puch, a Storm Giant Chiefton known as Aapo faces the Ancient blue dragon in combat that lasts for 5 years.
    • Aapo slays the dragon, triggering the start of the War of Storm and Fire.
  • Period: 1000 to

    War of Storm and Fire

    • After Aapo killed on of the Ancients, the giants and dragons engaged in a great war that lasted for 1000 years
    • Ended with the Giant's winning, but being wounded greatly as they entered the Great Slumber.
    • Some dragons betrayed their kin, which led to the Giants winning.
    • Only one of the Ancients survived and was bound deep underground just before the entrance to the Realm between Worlds. They were bound by 4 great chains that were anchored through the skulls of their 4 siblings.
  • Betrayal of the Dragons

    • A group of dragons longed for the fighting to end and betrayed their kin
      • They were promised riches and dominion by the Giants if they allied themselves.
      • The dragons were winning until this group of dragons turned on the ancients, which led to the death of 2 of them.
  • Final Giant Prophecy

    • A final prophecy was made by a Giant with Future sight that foretold the giants would meet their end if they remained on Tauriel
    • Some giants laughed as they saw their win over the dragons as a sign that they are destined to rule forever.
    • The elders within the Giants and some of their kin traveled north to rest in the heavens, which brought about an event called the great slumber.
  • The Great Slumber

    • The elders within the storm and cloud giants and some of their kin traveled north to rest in the heavens, which brought about an event called the great slumber.
    • Fire, stone, and hill giants stayed behind, believing the elders and their kin to be delusional. They went on to attempt to sing their own song of creation.
  • The Great Fallen Star

    • A fallen star sent by the Major Arcana crashes into Nymthyr, from which the elves came.
    • The while many miles away from the western continents, the fallen star caused rapid changes to the ecosystem of Tauriel. The skies turned dark with smoke and the air became to thin for the remaining Giants to breathe
  • Period: to

    Birth of Goliaths and Dwarves

    • Stone giants used their magics to extend their life span, becoming mortal and shrinking so their offspring would be able to live on Tauriel in the newly changed atmosphere. This is the birth of Goliaths.
    • In his dying moments, Xiuhtecuhtli the last fire giant that did not join the Great Slumber planted his seed within Shaddai, the Twin Forge, leading to the birth of the dwarves.
  • First Dawn Ends

    • The last giant who did not join the Great Slumber dies.
    • The first dwarves climb out of the Twin Forge
  • Second Dawn Begins

    • Dwarves rapidly start expanding across Valoldur, establishing new mines.
    • In Nymthyr, the elves establish their imperium.
  • Exodus of the Forgotten Lands

    • The elves leave the Western lands of Nymthyr, building a wall between East and West. No one but elders within the elves know why.
  • Period: to

    Twin Forges Erupt (Days of Shadow)

    • The forges erupt, killing many dwarves within the mines. The eruption leads to the Days of Shadow
    • Time of famine
    • Conflict between dwarves and Goliaths increase.
    • Sky over Valoldur, West Isewyngard, Corsari, and Northern Pelothor are completely covered in dark smoke.
  • Period: to

    Elven Pioneers

    • Elven sailors travel to the Eastern lands to learn
    • Humanitarian efforts are made to assist recovery after the Days of Shadow.
    • Elves who are willing to give up their mortality mate with Dwarves to create Half-lings and with Fey to create Wood Elves.
  • Period: to

    Age of Perfect Peace (End of the Second Dawn)

    • Age of peace as Dwarves and Elves established new settlements
  • Start of Third Dawn

    • Humans appear in Bendarleith
    • Humans are the only creatures to develop with out divine intervention
  • Period: to

    The Battle of The Third Born

    • Battle between Goliaths and Humans
  • Period: to

    Human migration

    • 5250 migrate towards Melikard and Torthas
    • 5500 migrate towards Pelthor and Corsari
  • Period: to

    The Draconic Hunt

    Humans who migrated to Melikard begin hunting dragons
  • Period: to

    Establishing houses

    • minor battles ensue as strongholds across all lands are formed
  • First soul bond between human and dragon

    Melikardian high born begin soul bonding with dragons to form strong partnerships
  • Fey Exile

    • Fey are driven into the Selume'an Forest by humans and their allies
  • Period: to

    War of Houses

    Theonin Ruthgar rallies allies to establish one true crown and bring order to the lands
  • Holy Mallard

    During the final battles of the war, Theonin is in a vicious single combat with an enemy house. Theonin almost is defeated, until a mallard flies out of a near by forest, distracting the enemy and giving Theonin the chance to slay him. From then on, Theonin Ruthgar designated the mallard as the sigil for his house and established all gold coins to have the face of mallards on them.
  • The Mithril Treaty

    Bendarleith never lost a battle nor bent the knee to Theonin Ruthgar, but a treaty was signed to finally end the conflict.
  • Campaign Starts