Task 4

  • City Founded

    The city is founded, but it still has a long way to go to reach where it is today.
  • City Reaches Megacity Status

    At this point, the city has upwards of 10 million residents, granting it the title of "Megacity."
  • City Sends First Representatives to Mars Colony

    Humans were already living on Mars in the 2060s, but the city hadn't even become a megacity at that point. By the time the city had enough time to develop a space program and train people to go to space, humans had been on mars for at least 40 years. The city sent a team of astronauts to help with the colonization efforts on Mars in the summer of 2100. The team consisted of five scientists, each with a different skillset, to try and help the project along as fast as they could.
  • First "Residential Park Employee" Hired

    To fix the problem of not having enough park employees, the government offered a home in the park to anyone who did not wish to live in the megacity. The only thing they asked for in return was that the people work in the park. It took a long time for this system to finally be put into place because there was a lot of pushback against the idea of "reverting to feudalism to solve our problems." Eventually, the first residential employee of the parks system was hired, and they and their family.
  • WWIII Breaks Out, City Has Economic Crisis

    As WWIII broke out over a scarcity of water in some areas, a draft was held to enlist all the eligible (not old and not sick) people to fight in the US Military. Because the city lost all of its up-and-coming young businesspeople and important figures, the city fell on hard times, causing an economic crisis, not unlike the great depression, to break out.
  • Exercise Mandate Announced

    At this time, the adult obesity rate was at an all-time high, so the government tried to do something about it by mandating a certain number of hours of physical activity each week.
  • Cure is Found for the Common Cold

    After nearly 200 years of experimenting, scientists from this very city manage to develop the much-sought-after cure for the common cold. Unfortunately, the cure was quite expensive, and most health insurance providers did not cover it. This rise in price is what inspired many people to get on the government-supplied health insurance, which led to the whole city being on that very insurance five short years later.
  • Exercise Mandate Lifted; Incentives System Created

    After people were protesting the nationwide exercise mandate, the government lifted the mandate and instead encouraged businesses to incentivize physical activity
  • Government-Provided Health Insurance Supplied to the Whole City

    For some time, the US government had been trying to get the whole nation on one health insurance policy, but, up until now, it hadn't been working. When the people of this city realized how much the prices of medical treatment really dropped, within weeks the whole city had received health insurance from the government-provided company.
  • First AI Holds Political Office

    After some controversy and many failed attempts at running for office, an AI, made by 'Reali T Tech Solutions,' a company based in this very city, is elected as mayor.
  • AI Does Not Run for Third Term as Mayor, Citizens Protest

    Reali T's AI Mayor did such a great job running the city in a fair and unbiased way, that the people grew to like it very much. They liked it so much that they protested quite aggressively when its creators decided to not have it run again for its third term in the position.
  • Earthquake Devastates City, Citizens Unite to Rebuild

    A massive earthquake knocked down many of the city's most important buildings. The city sees a never-before-seen number of citizens unite to help rebuild the buildings. Within a couple of years, the city was restored to its former glory.
  • First Open Landfill Completely Emptied

    Over the years, less and less trash was being put in landfills as more and more recyclable products were developed. Eventually, the city's main landfill was completely emptied and turned into a park due to not being used any longer.
  • Advanced Rocket Invented, Citizens now Regularly Travel to Mars

    A rocket with a very powerful engine is invented that allows the seven-month journey to Mars to be cut down to just a few weeks. This shortened flight time now allows for easier and more frequent travel to the red planet. Scientists regularly travel there for their jobs. Students go there as part of their lessons. Families will vacation there and try to search for extraterrestrial life.
  • Now

    This is where we are now in our city. It is a wonderful place of inclusion and improvement, but it can always be better,