

  • When it was founded?

    When it was founded?
    The city of Tarapoto was founded on August 20, 1782 by the Spanish bishop Baltasar Jaime Martínez Compañón.
  • The beginning

    The beginning
    Its effective beginnings date from the explorations carried out by the Pocras and Hanan Chancas who, when conquered by the Inca Empire, led a revolution commanded by the caudillo Ancohallo, a revolt that, when defeated, forced its tribal members to flee from the terrible Inca revenge, settling in the valleys of the Mayo and Cumbaza rivers in the department of San Martin forming eventually, the city of Lamas.
  • For the time

    For the time
    Apparently, what Martinez de Compagnón founded, was not a city but a Curate dependent on Lamas. By the time Tarapoto was a small conglomerate of native residents mostly in the small town of Cumbaza, the current band of Shilcayo, on the banks of the Quebrada del Choclino and another on the shores of the Suchiche cocha.
  • New location

    New location
    The city of Tarapoto since September 14, 1906 is part of the department of San Martín.
  • Tarapoto today

    Tarapoto today
    Currently, Tarapoto is the main tourist and commercial axis of this part of the north-east of Peru and is the center of the terrestrial networks and areas in the north-east of Peru. Thirty years after the aforementioned study, "natural development" has been achieved.