Tarapoto was founded in 20 august at 1782 by jaime montines de cam pagnon. -
Its effective beginnings date from the explorations carried out by the Pocras and Hanan Chancas (ancient cultures of the Ayacucho region) who when they were conquered by the Inca Empire, led a revolution commanded by the caudillo Ancohallo, in that revolt they were defeated, forced all its tribal members to flee from the terrible Inca revenge, they were settling in the valleys of the Mayo and Cumbaza rivers it was the origins of lama´s town. , -
The main local festivals are the Patron of Tarapoto, La Sagrada Cruz de los Motilones, from June 10 to 18 and the Anniversary of the Spanish foundation of the city on August 20. -
In tarapoto in their economic development always has been the agriculture livestock and these last years the tourism. -
Nowadays Tarapoto is very visited for their bio diversity and culture.