French revolution

Tara Leigh's french revolution

  • 1789 BCE

    Financial Problems

    Financial Problems
    Past kings spent more than what they made and were in debt. In the 1780's they had bad harvest which lead to high price on food. Louis XVI appointed Charle de Calone general of finances in 1789.
  • Period: to

    The beginning of the french revolution

    The french revolution began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. This revolution began because the monarchy was in crisis, As the Americans Revolution and extravagant spending by King Louis XVI and his predecessor had left country in the brink of bankruptcy. This was a period of far reading social and political up heal.
  • Independence day

    Crowd stormed the Bastille, a fortress used a prison in Paris. This event marks the beginning of the french revolution. A decade of political turmoil and terror in which King Louis was overthrown and ten thousands people, including the king and his wife. It showed that ordinary people would no longer accept the king.
  • The big defeat

    The big defeat
    The big defeat in 1812 Russia invades 600,000 troops. Russia's response was scorched earth policy. Winter hits and Napoleon retreats, Russia then attacks. Napoleon returns with a tattered reputation with only 20,000 troops make it back. Then defeats again by european alliance and exiled to elba. Monarchs then go back on throne.
  • Terror and Danger

    Things still aren't going well and now their are people in the country that don't want so much change. They crack down and in the vendee religion, 100,000 people are killed. The committee of public safety lead by Maximilian Robespierre which loves Rousseau and the will of the people. A machine was made for the revolution called the guillotine.
  • Napoleon's rise to power

    Member of new government body and is a successful general. He was the first consul and was changed to consul for life and was elected emperor.Napoleon returns the highlights including religious tolerance, peasants allowed land, jobs based on talent, and control prices.