Tangerine Timeline - Diana

By Rios123
  • Texas to Florida

    Paul's family was moving to Florida for Erick's football dream.
  • Muckfire

    The day that they discovered the muck fire.
  • Mike Costello's death

    Mike Costello's death
    The day that Mike Costello dies by lighting at football practice.
  • Sinkhole

    The day the sinkhole occurs, and a lot of people get injured.
  • First day attending a different school

    Paul attends a different school and it happens to be his first day there.
  • Paul's first Soccer game and first fight

    Paul's first Soccer game and first fight
    Paul's first soccer game at Tangerine middle school. It was also his first fight in the field.
  • Tangerine won the championship in soccer

    Tangerine won the championship in soccer
    Tangerine had won the championship against Paul's old school, Lake Windsor.
  • Erik and Tino get in a fight

    Tino, Theresa, and Henry D, go to Paul's house for a science project. Then Tino makes fun of Erik for tripping in a games and they get in a fight.
  • Arthur hit Luis

    Luis went to go look for Erik and talk to him about Tino and Arthur hit him.
  • Paul gets expelled

    Paul gets expelled from Tangerine Middle for jumping on a coach.