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Tang Empire Compared to the Mayans (Americas)

  • Jan 1, 624

    Legal System Created in the Tang Dynasty

    The Tang had the most intricate legal system. There were four basic forms:Lu-Criminal JusticeLing-Institutional Ge- Administrative DoctrineShi- Official DocumentationThese four parts worked together to maintain balance in the dynasty.
  • Jan 1, 636

    Persecution of Buddhist Temples

    The rulers of the Tang dynasty were cinvunced by the Confucian administrators that the Buddhist monastatic establishments were a threat to the ruler's imperial powers. Many Buddhist shrines and monastaries were demolished. The rulers also had monks and nuns forced into returning to their civilian lives.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Teotihuacan collapsed

  • Jan 1, 751

    Long-standing Maya alliances begin to break down. Trade between Maya city-states declines, and inter-state conflict increases.

  • Jan 1, 755

    The An Lushan Revolt

    An Lushan a concubine from the emperor (favorite concubine) She was a traitor she revolted against the empire and conquered the capital and seond capital. But in the year 757 a soldier killed An Lushan and later in 763 they got their capitals back. But this was one of the major revolts leading to the downfall of the Tang dynasty. It weakend the Tang army and dynasty so much that they could not be able to come back from this phase in the empire.
  • Jan 1, 762

    Invention of Chinese Chess

    Some scholars believe that the origins of Chinese chess was linked to the mathematical, divinification, or military purooses. But, becasuse there is an insignificant amount of evidence to support this, its initial significance is still unknown. Scholars do know that this game was spread quickly via chinese trade routes.
  • The Reign of Li Yuan

    This was the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty and he also, was the founder of it. He unified China after the sui Dynasty and formed rebellions to bring China back together and end the chaos. He retired from the throne at 626 and gave the power to his son. He used many of the sui dynasty ways and policies, because he beleaved they had a good way of ruling.
  • The End

    This year the last Tang emperor abdicted the throne or gave it up and ended the Tang dynasty. The end of the dynasty was mostly brought because of all the rebellions there was and at one point the dynasty could not comeback from the An revolt makeing it weak and with the haung Chao rebellion the empire was as good as done.
  • The Emperor Pacal dies at the age of 80 and is buried in the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque.

  • The Classic Period of Maya History Ends

    The Classic Period of Maya history ends, with the collapse of the southern lowland cities. Maya cities in the northern Yucatán continue to thrive. Development of the Puuc style in Uxmal, Kabah and Labná.
  • Tikal is Abandoned.

  • Period: to

    Tang Dynasty

  • Period: to

    The Americas