

  • Period: Jan 1, 1221 to Jan 1, 1410


  • Apr 1, 1221

    First Mongol Invasion of India

    First Mongol Invasion of India
    After winning the Battle of Indus in the Spring of 1221, the Mongols overtook the Khwarezmid Empire, and they integrated into the area.
  • Apr 8, 1336

    Tamerlane's Birth

    Tamerlane, or Timur, was born in the city of Kesh within the Barlas tribe, which was descended from the Mongols, and claimed relation to Genghis Khan. Though raised Hanafite, Timur followed Shia Islam.
  • Jan 1, 1360

    Tamerlane as a military leader

    With the aid of the Khan of Chagatai, Tamerlane gained power amaong the tribesmen of the region. He conquered the surrounding regions of modern day northern India, and was also appointed as leader of his tribe, the Barlas, and he regained this title after the death of the former leader's son, whom usurped the position from him.
  • Dec 1, 1369

    Tamerlane's conquests and rise to power

    Tamerlane's conquests and rise to power
    Tamerlane continued to expand the territory he reigned, and by the end of 1369 he had reduced thte power of the surrounding Khans to that of figureheads. Though he never claimed the title of Khan himself in the areas he conquered, he acted as khan and stripped away all military and poilitical power of the leaders of those areas.
  • Jan 1, 1404

    Further Expansion

    Further Expansion
    Over the next 35 years, Tamerlane led conquests that expanded his empire and contributed to his efforts to recreate the Mongol empire. He expanded as far north as Georgia, as far west as Iraq, as far east as the Dehli Sultanate, and as far south as the Arabian Sea and Northern Dehli Sultanate. Timur gained partial control of the Golden Horde and other areas of the Mongol empire, as well as expansion into India. The capital of his empire was Samurkand, though he spent little of his time there.
  • Feb 17, 1405

    Tamerlane's Death

    Tamerlane's Death
    In an effort to unite his empire with that of the Golden Horde to truly recreate the Mongol Empire, Tamerlane made a journey to China in the winter of 1404-1405. On the way, however, he succumbed to the plague and died before ever reaching China.
  • Feb 18, 1405

    After Tamerlane

    After Tamerlane
    Tamerlane was succeeded by his son, Shah Rukh, and his descendants continued to expand his empire. His most noted descendant was Babur, founder of the Moghul Empire.