What to do about missing values in time-series cross-section data
Honaker, J., King, G. -
Candidate gender and voter choice: Analysis from a multimenber preferential voting system
McElroy, G. Marsh, M. -
a stronger second chamber? Assessing the Impact of House of Lords Reform in 1999 and the lessons for Bicameralism
Russell, M. -
Analytic ecleticism in the study of world politics: Reconfiguring problems and mechanism across research traditions
sil, R., Katzenstein, P.J. -
Understanding the role of bureaucracy in the Eutopean Security and defence policy: The state of the art
Vanhoonacker, S., Dijkstra, H., Maurer, H. -
Comparative politics: Some points for discussion
Van Kersbergen,K -
transparency is not enough: Making transparency effective in reducing corruption
Lindsted, C., Naurin, D. -
The political economy of authoritarian songle-party dominance
Greene, K.F. -
Making global markets: Historical institutionalism in international politac economi
Farrell,H. Newman, A.L -
Capitalist diversity and the international regulation of hedge funds
fioretos, O. -
Thinking about the role of religion in foreign policy: A framework for analysis
Warner, C.M., Walker, S.G. -
DocumentWar minus the shooting? the politics of sport in Lebanon as a unique case in comparative politics
Authors of Document
Reiche, D. -
DocumentThe changing nature of international institutions in Europe: The challenge of the European union
Authors of Document
Diez, T., Manners, I., Whitman, R.G. -
Towards a theory of external democracy promotion: A proposal for theoretical classification
Wolff, J., Wurm, I. -
DocumentMeasuring effective democracy: The human empowerment approach
Authors of Document
Alexander, A.C., Welzel, C. -
Remote control: How the media sustain authoritarian rule in China
Stockmann, D., Gallagher, M.E. -
Europeanisation in new member and candidates states
Sedelmeier, U. -
Classroom as reality: Demonstrating campaign effects through live simulation
Coffey, D.J., Miller, W.J., Feuerstein, D. -
DocumentGovernance as political theory
Authors of Document
Peters, B.G. -
Cross-National Differences in political discussion: Can political systems narrow eliberation gaps?
Nir, L. -
How should we measure district-level public opinion on individual issues?
Warshaw, C., Rodden, J. -
Why are gender quotas adopted? Party pragmatism and parity in France
Murray, R., Krook, M.L., Opello, K.A.R. -
"we´re off to replace the wizard": Lessons from a collaborative group project assignment
Centellas, M., Love, G.J. -
recasting institutionalism: Institutional analysis and public policy
Radaelli, C.M., Dente, B., Dossi, S. -
Securitizing democracy and democratic security: A reflection on democratization studies
Galbreath, D.J. -
The measure´s dilema: Coordination failures in cross-nation political data collection
Schedler, A. -
Comparative politics in Central and Eastern Europe mapping publications over the past 20 years
Schneider, C.Q., Bochsler, D., Chiru, M. -
Wage-earners' welfare after economic reform: Refurbishing, retrenching or hollowing out social protection in Australia and New zealand?
Wilson, S., Spies-Butcher, B., Stebbing, A., St John, S. -
The State of Comparative Politics in South Africa
Sadie, Y. -
Regularizing riioting: permitting public protest in an authoritarian regime
Lorentzen, P.L. -
Howmany countries for multilevel modeling? A comparison of frequentist and bayesian approaches
Stegmuller, D. -
Explaining cooperation between IGOs and NGOs - push factors, pull factors, and the policy cycle
Steffek, J. -
Politicians and Professionalization in the Pacific Islands: Revisiting Self-Regulation?
Corbett, J. -
The limits and variety of risk-based governance: The case of flod management in Germany and England
Krieger, K. -
Equality of educational opportunity and attitudes toward income inequality: Evidence from China
Lú, X. -
Democracy as public policy: Opportunities for strengthening democracy [La democracia como pilítica pública: Oportunidades para el fortalecimineto democrátio]
Monsiváis Carrillo, A. -
Supply of and demand for e-democracy: A study of the Swedish case
Lidén, G. -
The enduring indispensability of the controlled comparison
Slater, D., Ziblatt, D. -
A preliminary comparative study of policy making in two GCC countries-Qatar and Kuwait: Processes, politics, and participants
Khodr, H. -
How parties compete for votes: A test of saliency theory
Dolezal, M., Ennser-Jedenastik, L., Müller, W.C., Winkler, A.K. -
Survey Research in International Political Economy: Motivations, Designs, Methods
Tingley, D. -
Analyzing party competition through the comparative manifesto data: Some theoretical and methodological considerations
Zulianello, M. -
Theories of dictatorships: Sub-types and explanations
Lidén, G. -
Electoral quotas and political representation: Comparative perspectives
Krook, M.L., Zetterberg, P. -
Power Shift or Paradigm Shift? China's Rise and Asia's Emerging Security Order
Acharya, A. -
Electoral Gender Quotas: A Conceptual Analysis
Krook, M.L. -
Research Frontiers in Comparative and International Environmental Politics: An Introduction
Cao, X., Milner, H.V., Prakash, A., Ward, H. -
Beyond presidentialism and parliamentarism
Cheibub, J.A., Elkins, Z., Ginsburg, T. -
The communication of ideas across subfields in political science
Graham, E.R., Shipan, C.R., Volden, C. -
Partisan Priorities and Public Budgeting
Epp, D.A., Lovett, J., Baumgartner, F.R.