
Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing

By hprovo
  • Peter got Dribble the turtle.

  • Fudge tryed to impress the Yarby's dy showing them Dribble and acting like a bog.

  • Fudges dad tacks Fudge to the bathroom becase he will not eating.

  • When Fudge was at the playground he let go of the monkeybars and colld Peter look im a bird and fell and lost his tow frunt teeth.

  • Fudge was having a berthbay party and a gerl at the party tinkld on the carpet.

  • When Fudge was at the doctors offices Fudge wouldet open his mouth.

  • Peter mess up Fudges poject and he has to do it all over agan.

  • Fudge got picket for the toddlelbike and Peter was jeles.

  • In the moveys Fudge got lost in the moveys.

  • Fudge ate drbbol.