
Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing

By hprovo
  • Peter got Dribble the turtle

    Peter got Dribble the turtle
  • Fudge tried to impress the yarby's

    Fudge tried to impress the yarby's
  • Fudge woudle not eat anything so Peters dad dumped cereal on fudge.

    Fudge woudle not eat anything so Peters dad dumped cereal on fudge.
  • Fudge try to be a bird but loses his to front teeth trying to.

    Fudge try to be a bird but loses his to front teeth trying to.
  • Fudge has a party and Peter has to calm them bown

    Fudge has a party and Peter has to calm them bown
  • Peter has to sow Fudge what to do at the dentist and,the store

    Peter has to sow Fudge what to do at the dentist and,the store
  • Fudge destroy Peters projekt so Peter has to do it agan

    Fudge destroy Peters projekt so Peter has to do it agan
  • Fudge gets on the Toddle-Bike comershl.

    Fudge gets on the Toddle-Bike comershl.
  • Fudge got lost in the move theter but then Peter fond him

    Fudge got lost in the move theter but then Peter fond him
  • Fudge ate Dribble

    Fudge ate Dribble