
Taking over Canada

  • Period: to

    Taking over Canada

  • Kidnapping

    Kidnap the four children of the richest man in Canada ,David Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet, valued at $30.74 billion. Hold them for ransom and in the end get away with a about $17 Billion.
  • Fleeing

    Now with your extreme wealth flee the country. Go to North Korea
  • Meeting With Kim Jong-Un

    Meeting With Kim Jong-Un
    Use your wealth to gain a meeting with Kim Jong-un. Become friends with him and offer him wealth for more nuclear weapons to bomb the U.S.A. Once America has been bombed Canada a close friend will send in support to help the U.S.A. and have to make military efforts against North Korea, crippling Canada’s economy. Flee to some European country until the war starts dying down.
  • In Canada

    While America is being bombed Canada will be obligated to send in humanitarian support and do their part to assist the U.S.. Also they will be needed to suport the U.S. weather it be finacialy or physcialy, in the fight against North Korea. Canada will become impovershed and demoralized leaving no citizen unhappy with the current government or state of life.
  • Coming back

    When Canada’s economy is destroyed, because of the war and supporting the U.S., and people are in poverty, but Canada is safe from the radiation of the nuclear missiles you come back. Be the strong voice in Canada promising a better future. Blame America for all the problems in the economy and society. Blame America for the war because they are the ones that have beef with north Korea and they just dragged Canada into it.
  • Getting into government

    Use your powerful public speaking to be a strong voice in Canada to get into government. Then then continue as Hitler did and put yourself in a supreme untouchable position of power.
  • Reunting with old friends

    Reunting with old friends
    Meanwhile Get a hold of your old friends in North Korea, tell the people you are going to make an alliance with them but just buy a part of their military off them and use them to take over the Canadian Military. Then you will be able to take control of the all aspects of government eliminating the separation of powers. Now you have complete control of Canada and all its amazing resources. Plus a strong relotion ship with North Korea for support in futrue endeavors.
  • Propaganda

    Add a hammer and sickle to the Canadian flag. So people and the rest of the world know they are now in a dictatorship. Put out propaganda posters depicting americans as and unorganized military looking to kill Canadians to keep people angry at the U.S.A. and unhappy with the American government.
  • Major changes

    For the great leaders birthday close off all the Canadian borders and become a completely isolated state. Shut down all schools and send out the secret police to get rid of people with high education. Some cities with lots of highly educated people such as Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, will be bombe getting rid of a mass of population. Then bomb all technological centres and industrial centres.
  • The plan is finalized

    Then make it illegal to drill for any oil or gas. Once their is no technological powers get rid of every law. Shut down all power plants so there will be no electricity in the entire country. Now that major cities have been bombed educated people are extinct, and past technologies have been destroyed, their is no power in the entire country and the country is completely isolated, People will revert back to living in a better time like they did many years ago.
  • The rest of the world.

    Other parts of the world may not be happy with what Canada is doing, but no one will be able to do anthing about it. The U.S. will be in no condition to go to war because they will still be dealing with the after math of the nuclear attacks. Since you have a close tie with North Korea they will have your back alongside China. With these militant super powers there will be no one to bother you.
  • How life wil change

    How life wil change
    People will now be living in nature surviving off the land. People will become closer with nature and will no longer be destroying the ecosystem.
  • How society plays out

    By this time society will be completely broken down due to no communication technologies and people will be in small tribes living liked we used to for millions of years.