The initiating event in "Taken" is when Blaine Wethersby gets heisted. This is the first you hear of the heist, the unnatural phenomenon that abducts every boy at midngith on their 18th birthday. -
Falling in Love
Gray, Blaine's brother, falls in love with Emma, the nurse's daughter. They run away to go on adventures, like swimming, and teaching each other their own methods of hunting. -
The Wall
After Gray finds out that he is Blaine's twin, he realized that the heist is controlled by people, not just nature. He wants answers, so he takes Emma and climbs over the wall separating Claysoot from the unknown. -
The Reunion
After they climb the wall, they are taken by the "Order" which is where all boys go after they have been heisted. In the cafe, Gray spots Blaine. -
Gray and Blaine know that there is something bigger going on than what they are told, so they decide to run away. Gray has second thoughts about leaving Emma behind, but he knows he must find answers and go through with it. -
The Attacks
Blaine and Gray camp out about three miles away from the HQ they were previously staying at. During the middle of the night on the third night, they get attacked by the Order. -
During the attack, Blaine gets shot. He is dehydrated and bleeding out, mostly unconsious. -
Finding Hope
After three days of looking for a hospital, Gray begins to loose hope. He is dragging Blaine behind him with a sheet he found and is begginging to hallucinate. He finds a hospital on the fourth day, right before he looses consiousness. -
After Blaine and Gray are admitted to the hospital, the doctor walks in. He introduces himself as Dan Wethersby, their father. The book ends with the final sentance of "I knew you boys would find me someday."