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Taiwanese Beehive Fireworks

  • Origin

    in Yanshui, Taiwan in 1875, there was cholera epidemic which lasted over 20 years, to rid the disease the survivors pled to Gaun Yu at the local temple to drive out the evil spirits. On their way to pray to Guan Yu, they set off big fire crackers, this method seemed to have worked, as the epidemic disappeared, through this, a new tradition was created.
  • Symbols

    Guan Yu is the god that the chinese people prayed too, they begged him for cleansing
  • Origin (continued)

    Origin (continued)
    Scientifically the firecrackers destroyed the germs due to the sulfur inside, back then they didn't have the scientific knowledge that we do, so the belief of prayer and cleansing was the believed primary cause at the time. It is also believed that the explosion scared away the rats carrying the plague.
  • Post WWII

    Post WWII
    After WWII the Yanshui locals started to use bottle rockets, placed in multiple directions on multiple layered platforms,resulting in participants getting hit by the projectiles
  • Modern Day

    Modern Day
    Fifteen days into the Chinese lunar calendar, on the evening of the Lantern Festival, the district launches millions of fireworks directly into eager crowds. Thousands don motorcycle helmets and protective gear, take a swig or two of liquid courage, and take to the streets for a chance to be battered by explosions.