
Syrian uprising

By ojuarez
  • Period: to


  • Syria protest become difficult to handle

    Syria had an uprising because of an Ba'athist government who ruled for over 40 years. People have already died because of the protests. The president is still in control but having a hard time controlling the protest. I think this is an important event because it's the start of a protest and can change many things.
  • EU planning to spare Assad

    EU decides to give Syria weapons and other equipment, so they could repress. EU and other countries plan to blackmail leading captains to leave Assad alone and get him after. This is an important event because Assad can be killed and that affects many things.
  • Israel vs Syria

    Israles and Syrian protesters get to the border and start a small war. Israel forces used rubber bullets and some lethal ones injuring many people. While Syrian protesters fought with rocks and molotv cocktails. This creates more tension on the protest
  • Rejection for Al-Qadia

    The new leader of Al Qadia gives advice to Syrian leaders, but they rejected it. They think Al Qadia is tryin to get back in the revolution because they have been ignored.
  • The banning of Syrian oil

    European countries have agreed to ban oil imports from Syria. Until Assad stops the protest and fixes everything but he refuses to do so. Until then Syrian oil is banned which means no money for them.
  • Atomic Bombs?

    The UN suspect they have found a nuclear weapon site. That can mean really bad news because they can attack other countries.