Syrian Refugee Crisis Timeline

By SafIb
  • Violence uproars in Daraa

    Violence uproars in the city of Daraa after a group of kids and teens produce political graffiti. Dozens of people were also killed by security forces.
  • Syrian Refugee crisis begins

    Syrian Refugee crisis begins
    Up to 5,000 Syrian refugees flee to Lebanon from harsh violence in the town of Talkalakh.
  • Response to protests

    In response to protests, the Syrian government agrees to meet their satisfaction by increasing salaries and plans to study lift emergency laws and licences of political parties.
  • Acknowledges, but doesn't propose concrete changes

    Al-Assad addresses the people of Syria with a televised speech, acknowledging the fact that he hasn't met the people's needs, but doesn't put forth any changes.
  • Al-Assad lifts 48-year old emergency law

    Al-Assad lifts the emergency law of Syria, and abolishes the Higher State Security Court. He also issues a law of regulating peaceful protests.
  • US and Syria

    US places sanctions on Syria, saying "As a result of this action, any property in the US or in the possession or control of US people in which the individuals listed in the Annex have an interest is blocked, and US people are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them."
  • US and Syria

    The US places new economic sanction upon Syria, restricting Americans from having any economical relations with Syria. An example would be prohibiting the transactions of Syria's petroleum products.
  • A Democratic system

    An alignment Syrian oppositional groups establish a framework of ending Al-Assad's government, and to establish a Democratic system.
  • US and Syria

    The US closes their embassy in Damascus.
  • Damascus fighting

    A bomb explodes in Damascus, killing Al-Assad's brother in law, and between 18,000-40,000 refugees flee to Lebanon.
  • People flee Syria in 24-hour period

    UNHCR reports more than 11,000 Syrians flee to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan within a day due to escalating violence.
  • Lebanese government creates refugee camps

    Lebanese government creates refugee camps
    Lebanese government agrees to officially register Syrian refugees due to a divided Cabinet vote.
  • Period: to

    #ChildrenOfSyria Campaign

    UNICEF launches the #ChildrenofSyria campaign. At the end of 2013, more than 2 million children have fled Syria.
  • Refugees have reached 1 million

    The UNHCR announces that Syrian refugees have reached 1 million.
  • Refugee rates risen

    UN high commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, states the number of refugees hasn't reached such a high rate since the Rwandan Genocide.
  • Syrian Refugee Resettlement

    Syrian Refugee Resettlement
    Germany plans to resettle 5,000 Syrian refugees, allowing them to stay for 2 years.
  • Sweden offers permanent residency

    The Swedish Migration Board announces that all asylum seekers from Syria who've gotten temporary residency may receive a permanent permit, as well as for family members.
  • Turkey constructs a wall on Syrian border

    Turkey constructs a 2 metre wall in the district of Nusaybin, on a Syrian border, which was the site of battle between Arabs and Kurds.
  • Syrian Refugees at risk of Malnutrition

    Syrian Refugees at risk of Malnutrition
    UNICEF reports 10,000 Syrian children at risk of malnutrition, and 1,800 at risk of dying from it in Lebanon.
  • ISIS takes control

    ISIS takes control of Mosul, and a new refugee crisis takes place, leaving 500,000 to flee to the countryside.
  • Suspension of UN Food Aid Programme

    Suspension of UN Food Aid Programme
    The UN's food programme, to provide food vouchers for more than 1.7 million Syrian refugees, was forced to be suspended, because of not receiving enough funds.
  • UN alerts of gap in needs and resources

    UN alerts of gap in needs and resources
    The number of displaced people have reached its highest since World War II, and for Syria alone, the UN are seeking $7.2 billion for resources.
  • Confidential summit statement after Mediterranean tragedies

    Confidential summit statement after Mediterranean tragedies
    A majority of migrants who've reached Italy were to be deported, and only 5,000 resettlement places would be offered.
  • ISIS controls 50% of Syria

    ISIS controls 50% of Syria
    ISIS controls up to 95,000 square km of Syria, which is 50% of Syria.
  • Russian airstrikes in Syria

    Russia carries out its first airstrike on Syria in places that they believed belong to ISIS.
  • Deteriorating living conditions in Jordan

    About 4,000 Syrian refugees go back to Syria, as the living conditions in Jordan has been difficult.
  • Western Mediterranean route

    After encountering many obstacles in the Balkan route, Syrian refugees seek access to Europe from Melilla, a Spanish-Moroccan border.
  • ...

    To reduce the massive inflows of refugees in Sweden and Denmark, they've decided to establish border controls by asking travellers for valid photo ID's, as they can't cope with the high number of asylum seekers.
  • Syrian Refugees entitled to working permits

    Syrian Refugees entitled to working permits
    Turkey establishes a new regulation that Syrian refugees are now entitled to work, with the possibility of earning higher wages.
  • Police accusations

    Police accusations
    Turkish police is accused of killing at least 11 Syrian refugees while trying to cross the border at the north of Syria, but Turkey denies charges as their open-border policy has not changed.
  • More than 10,000 people rescued in the Mediterranean

    More than 10,000 people rescued in the Mediterranean
    10,000 people were rescued from the Sicily channel as they were trying to reach Italy, with 3,502 recorded deaths.
  • Full control of Aleppo

    Syria's state media announces that government forces have full control of Aleppo that's suffered 4 years of rebel ruling.
  • US launches military strike

    The US launches a military strike on a Syrian government airbase in response to the attack on civilians with chemical weapons, which was by Trump's orders.
  • Agreement on restraining violence

    Trump and Russian president agree to restrain the violence in Southwest Syria. It would take effect in Damascus on the 9th July.
  • ISIS loses control

    The Islamic State group is rid of in Raqqa, its "de-facto capital in Syria."