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Syrian Refugee Crisis
Protests trigger start of Syrian civil war
Peaceful, student-led protests are given violent replies from the government. Many had been complaining over the current president and his lack of acknowledgment on many problems. After his choice to crush these protests with violence, the country was outraged and many protests formed to have his resignation and a new democracy over the government. -
Za’atari, the first refugee camp opens in Jordan
Formed near the border of Syria, it would start off as a temporary camp but soon grow to over 78,000 people. It now contains schools, hospitals, and even chances of permanent sewage and plumbing facilities put in place. -
One million refugees in total
There are now two million refugees in total
One million refugees are estimated to be in Lebanon.
3 million refugees are in neighboring countries and 100,000 have reached Europe.
Azraq, a new camp opens up in Jordan.
It opened up in April of 2014, with a maximum capacity of 120,000, it currently has 36,000. More than half of those living there are children. The refugee camp has also been the first to run on solar energy. -
ISIL declares a caliphate in many areas of Syria
The ISIL is the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, otherwise known as ISIS. After declaring a caliphate, or Islamic state in parts of Syria, Syrian fighters and other military groups, such as the US army have joined in the fight. The caliphate has been defeated at the current moment, but signs show it may not be over. -
Thousands of refugees are arriving in Greece every day
1 million have reached Europe, arriving in many bordering countries through boat or on foot. -
Hungary builds walls to stop refugees from entering Europe.
A large wall bordering Hungary and Syria, it is monitored by dogs, soldiers, cameras, and thousands of border police. Before the border was an easy way to cross to Europe, with a single wire across, but now ten feet tall, 100 miles long, and wired with electricity. This means remaining refugees rest at the border, waiting for their chance to get into Europe with asylum. -
A photo of two-year-old Alan Kurdi shocks the world
Alan Kurdi, his mother, father, and brother took the dangerous trip out of Syria towards Turkey on an unstable boat. Through the rough waters, the boat would topple over, drowning him, his brother and mother. When the photo of his body found on the coast of Turkey became viral, the world was shocked. His death put a human face on the refugee crisis. -
Jordan closes it's borders
The borders of the country closed after accepting in more than 650,000 refugees. Angry Jordanians took to creating private organizations to help, and under pressure, the government worked on aid campaigns and let in many refugees with a medical need. The border closed due to the little help the country received from other international efforts. -
There are now more than 5 million refugees who have left Syria.