Syrian police seal off city of Daraa after security forces kill five protesters
Security forces killed 5 people. There was a lot of protests in other 5 places including Darra. Darra was the only city that became deadly. The reason this happen was because the protestors want political freedom. And the president isn't willing too This event is important because they killed 5 people just because they were fighting for something they wanted political freedom, they took it to the extreme -
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Syrian police seal off city of Daraa after security forces kill five protesters
Syrian clashes leave at least 12 dead as government delays concessions
The army spreaded out after 2 days of people that were protesting., against the government. 12 people were killed nad the people rebelled against the police they were attacking them with rifles, swords. This event is important because the people are getting angrier about what the government is doing, and getting out of hands would possibly get worst. -
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Syrian clashes leave at least 12 dead as government delays concessions
people got killed, and were attacking eachother. -
Syrian protesters come under fire from security forces
150 people have been killed in just 11 days. Some are getting arrested too. The president was told to give a speech, beause this is going to far even clinton said that the president was a "reformer". While all syria really want is to get suppoert from turkey. This is important because Syria is in a really bad shape, and other countries where saying their opinions, and the syria governement could get offended and even start a fight wit other countries -
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Syrian protesters come under fire from security forces
There was fire shots and teargas thrown to protestors many got kiilled and others got injured. -
Syrian troops shoot dead protesters in day of turmoil
Obama called the government syria asking them to stop so much violenjce because as hours pass people are getting brutually killed. The president blames the outsiders for all this tragedy instead of paying attention to their own. This is important beause now people are getting killed like nothing and it shouldn't happen like that. The president should try to do what his people want before it's too late,because every hour he's loosing his people. -
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Syrian troops shoot dead protesters in day of turmoil
They want hte emergency law to end, and Bashaar- Al-sad to leave officce. -
Syria's crackdown on protesters becomes dramatically more brutal
The government is bringing tanks and troops into the Syrian streets, and are attacking the Syrians. This is becoming a deadly thing. The country is getting worse because now the government is attacking their own citizens. -
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Syria's crackdown on protesters becomes dramatically more brutal
The troops of syria are attacking the protestors, by opening fire on the streets.