Syria Feb 15 - 21

  • Turkey begins to demilitarize Azaz

    Turkey begins to demilitarize Azaz
  • LA to leave Idlib and Hama

    LA to leave Idlib and Hama
  • Rumoured regime offensive in Deir Ezzor

    Rumoured regime offensive in Deir Ezzor
  • Caucasian troops in Palmyra fight

    Caucasian troops in Palmyra fight
  • US may deploy troops for Raqqa

    US may deploy troops for Raqqa
  • IS push back Turkey in al-Bab

    IS push back Turkey in al-Bab
  • SDF fortifies Manbij

    SDF fortifies Manbij
  • Russia shifts targeting to IS

    Russia shifts targeting to IS
  • Renewed regime operations in Homs

    Renewed regime operations in Homs
  • Rebel offensive in Daraa continues

    Rebel offensive in Daraa continues