
By is31
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    Syria suffered through a drought which affected the food production. Various factors mean that Syrian farmers were particularly vulnerable to drought. An overuse of water to sustain thirsty crops cotton had left the land dry. The government had also cancelled subsidies for fuel used to power irrigation pumps and to take produce to market – and it had dismantled a micro-finance network that had served as an income security net.
  • Sanctions imposed by European Union

    The EU banned crude oil imports from Syria and in February it expanded sanctions to block trade in gold, precious metals and diamonds with Syrian public bodies and the central bank.
  • USA put sanction on Syria

    President Obama signed a new executive order, imposing sanctions on Syria's energy sector and freezing all Syrian government assets in the US.
  • Turkey puts sanctions on Syria

    Turkey froze Syrian government assets and suspend all financial dealings with Turkey until new government is formed in Syria.
  • More sanctions were imposed on Syria

    Sanctions were imposed on Syria in response to its government’s support of international terrorism and violations against democratic and human rights in the country. Sanctions include having been imposed on the sale, transfer, supply or export of ‘jet fuel’ and ‘fuel additives’ to Syria
  • Sanctions on Damascus (Captial of Syria)

    Sanctions against Damascus have mothballed the healthcare system and food supplies in Syria