Syrian police kill 5 protestors in Daraa
Protest of the Syrians president took place in at least 5 cities and only turned deadly in Daraa where 5 protestors were killed. Syrian government replis by blaming the incident on foreign terrorist's -
Syria's biggest day of unrest yet sees at least 20 people killed
residents say there was about 4000 people protesting peaefully when the government opened fire on thousands killing at least 22 people yet people donàt give up on their efforts -
Syria protests continue as Bashar al-Assad promises reform
president answers one protest by ending the emergency laws that were in place for oer 48 years yet the people are not satisfied because they want him out as president -
Syrian troops kill 88 peple in bloodest protest yet
Protestors take the streets demanding for more politicol freedoms. government kills 88 people. Obamaa urges Syrian government to stop using violence. Obama acuses syrian government of seeking help gfrom Iran -
Syrian security forces clash with military defectors
1 day after the UN's human rights chief called on the international community to protect Syrian civilians. Syrien security forces kill at least 25 people in clash with security forces and millitary defectors. UN is trying to help the syrian people