Franco-syrain war
Syria trying to gain independence from France (France defeated Syria making the French Mandate of Syria) -
• The Great Syrian Revolt
Another war with france.Syria was defeated onceagain.The war ended 1927 -
End of Great Syrain Revolt
Syria gains independence
Syria gain independence from the french mandate -
The Arab-Israel war
Syria alongside many other middle eastern countries fought again the Jewish army -
The Six Day War
Another war between Israel and middle eastern countries, except this time the Jewish army defeated the Arab army. (Prendergast 57) -
The day Yusuf was born
The day Yusuf's father died
When the violence started
When the goverement responded
the government responded angrily, killing four citizens -
Another violent response from the government
hey shot the citizens who were mourning on the four killed citizens -
Chemical weapon attack
The day my mother died
they day i died
American and Great britain sent supplies