4th most recorded breed in the usa, origin: kentucky, ears: erect, Color; balck with a white belt, know for: producing lean muscle, high carcass, large lain eyes, great mothering ability -
2nd most recorded breed in the usa, originated: new jersey, new york, eras: droopy, color: red cherry , Know for: product quality, fast growth,prolificay and longevity in the famale line -
chester white
origin pennsylvania,ears droopy, color white whit blue freckles, know for mothering ability, general durability and soundness -
poland china
origin ohio, ears droopy, color black with 6 white points, Know for learge frame, length of body -
3rd most recorded breed in the usa, origin :england, Ears: erect, color: black with 6 white points, Know For: fast efficent growth, reproduce efficiency, meat flavor -
know for their black and white spots,, origin ohio, ears droopy , color no less then 20% black or more than 80% white, know for rate of gain, durability and docility in the females