SV Nina departs Opua for Newcastle. -
SPOT Location
SPOT location logged -
SPOT Location
SPOT location logged -
SPOT Location
SPOT location logged -
Encountered storm system
Low pressure system had winds of up to 70mph -
"storm sails shredded, now going bare poles 310 degrees, 4 knots, will update course info @ 6PM"
Last communication Text assumed to be from crew member Evi. Undelivered message not found until July 3rd. -
Period: to
Light S/SE winds would have blown them North
More nasty weather
A front coming in from the west would have hit at night and bad weather would have continued throughout the day. -
Period: to
Winds shift to blow them in an East/North East direction.
Slightly stronger W/SW winds from a passing front -
Period: to
Winds shift to blow them North/North East again
Behind the front, winds shifted from the S/SW -
Period: to
Light S winds pushing them North
Week 1 ends - Drift potential ~170nm
Bad weather
A squall would have hit them in the middle of the night. -
Mysterious phone call to captain's Mom.
More bad weather
Bad weather continues to bring N/NW winds that would have pushed them to the south/south east. -
Period: to
Winds calm down, turn WNW blowing them to the East
Should be around Norfolk Island area by now.
Week 2 ends - Drift potential ~340nm
Winds shift to WSW around Norfolk Island, taking them north east
Search : N/NE of New Zealand *They could have been here*
The fact that they weren't spotted in this area could mean that they were blown further north when storm winds split in 2 directions (SW and NW) around Norfolk Island back on the 20th. They should have been here had they been in the NW wind coming around the south of Norfolk. -
Week 3 ends - Drift potential ~510nm
Search : Northern New Zealand to Australia
Search : North New Zealand shoreline
Search : New Zealand coast
Search : North East of Northland
Search : E/NE Northcape
Search : SE & SW of Norfolk Island
Week 4 - Drift potential 680nm
At this point they are definitely past Norfolk Island possibly drifting towards New Cardonia or Fiji. -
Week 7 - Drift potential 1000nm