
  • Eccocide In Vietnam

    First Eccocide in relation to enviromental damage. Organism to destroy ecosystems other than its own.
  • The Panama Canal

    Theodre Roosvelt wanted the canal to be sea-level. This project cost $132 million
  • The Panama Cabal

    -Theodre Rossvelt wanted the canal to be sea-level
    -this project cost $132 million
  • The Greatest Smog of 52

    -killed thousands and formed an important impacts to modern enviroment movement
    -London became known for its fog
  • Castle Bravo

    Greatest nuclear might ever conducted by the u.s. Largest photogentic castle of atomic test conducted in bikini atoll.
  • The Shrinking of The Aral Sea

    -Southern Aral sea split into eastern and western lobes
    -water kept flowing into desert basin
  • Silent Spring

    Exposed hazards of pesticide helped set the stage for the enviromental movement. Its inventor won the first noble peace prize.
  • The Palomores Incident

    Military Accident. Bomber aircraft collided with a tanker during refueiling about 6 miles over mediterranean sea.
  • Minamata Disease

    -occured as the result of direct posing of those who were engaged in organic
    -disturbance and construction of the refusal field were observed
  • 1st Earth Day

    • aimed at cresting a mass enviromental movement -began as a national teach-in on the enviroment
  • The Love Canal

    -Neighborhood in Niagra fall
    -remebered as a national symbol of a failure to exercise a sense of concern for future generations
  • Tragedy of the Commons

    -got a graphic illustration of the tradgedy commons
  • The Seveso Disaster

    -explosion of the northern italian chemical plant released dixion
    -it was such an effective chemical when a cat was dug up two days later all there left was its skull
  • Amoco Cadiz

    -Large crude carrier under the liberian flag of conveince
    -transporting 227,000 ton of crude oil ran around on portall rocks on Breton coast
    -French gov to revise its oil response plan
  • Three Mile Isaland NUclear Explosion

    Plant experienced failure in secondary, non-nuclear section of the plant. Water stuck valve reduced the system pressure.
  • The Bhopal disaster

    -Plant that leaked methyl Isocynate gas and other chemicals
    -20,000 people still live with being exposed to toxic chemicals
  • The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    Exxon Valdez supertanker ruptured and spilled oil into Alaska's Prince william sound. Worst spill that occured in American history.
  • Kuwait Oil Fires

    Caused by Iraq military forces setting fires to 700 oil wells. Fires burned out of control because of the danger sending in firefighter crews.
  • Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch

    Collection of Marine debris, liter that ends up in oceans seas and large bodies of water. Charles Moore discovered the patch in 1997.
  • Libby,Montana,Absento contamination

    -EPA cleaning up smaller sources found in variety places
    -EPA's ongoing cleanup efforts
  • Baia Mare Cyanide Spill

    • dam holding contaminated waterrs burst at a mining works in Bozinta Mare and Romania -Spill result of poor dam design and unusal weather conditions
  • The Al-misraq fire

    -Sulfur mine plant near mosul burned iraq almost for a month
    -service memebers reported a change in their ability to run two miles on the army physical fitness test
  • Jilin Chemical Plant Explosions

    Chemical plants explosion created 80km toxic chemical slick. Explosion killed six injured dozens and caused evacuation and 10 thousands of residents.
  • Sidoarjo Mud flow

    -Erupting mud volcano
    -President of Indonesia wanted to pump the volcanic mud into the river to carry to mud to the sea.
  • The Three Gorges Damn

    -Largest hydropower project and most notorius dam
    -project been plagued by corruption,spiraling cost,enviromental impacts,human rights violations, and resettlement difficulties
  • TVA Kingston Fossil Plant Coal Ash Splurry Spill

    Pond wall collapsed releasing water and fly ash. The pond continued about 2.6 million cubic yards sludge.
  • E-Waste in Guiyu China

    -Largest electronic waste sites on Earth
    -Fastest growing component because people are updating their computers and their phones
  • Deep Water Horizon BP oil Spill

    -Oil spill that was considered largest accidental marine oil spill
    -U.S gov reported pointed to defective cementon on the wall.
  • Fukushima Daiichi

    World's largest earthquake. Caused a loss of power on site.
  • Door To hell

    Golden Eagle Silk Road famous crater. The locals named this door to hell because it is on fire with bright orange flame and boiling mud.
  • Enviromentsl Protection Agency

    -provied executive and logistal support the EPA administrator
  • Gulf Of Mexico Dead Zone

    -Area without oxygen and almost complety devoid of life that crops up every summer
    -excepted to get 20% larger everyy summer