Early life
Susan B Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams,Mass-sachusetts.When she was 6 her famliy moved to battenvillile,New York.Susan B Anthony thougt school.She also figured that woma-n coudn't vote -
A movement
Susan B Anthony came involed in two diffrent movements one was the temperance and one was abolitionist. -
when she met staton
At the time that women didn't have the right to vote as men did.So Susan B anthony met a person named Elizibith Cady Sta-nton. -
Refuse to pay
To draw attention to struggling,Anthony voted for presidential el-etion but got cought plus she refused to pay her fund because sh-e wanted equal right as men -
Susan B Anthony died on March 13,1906 in Rochester,NewYork