Susan b anthony 1

Susan B. Anthony

  • Susan B. Anthony birth

    Born in Adams, Massachuttes 2/15/1820
  • Birth

    Born in Adams, Massachutses
  • Period: to

    Final thoughts

    My final thoughts on Susan B Anthony is that she is a great activists for both women and blacks. She would go to any extreme to get what she believes in from going to just going to regular conventions to illegally voting in elections. So to see her as a person non-stop fight for what she believed in is just a great thing to see
  • Period: to

    final thoughts

    Some of my final thoughts on Susan is that she is that she is a fighter for what she believes in and will go to any extreme to get what she wants. From starting at a national convention to getting arrested for voting illegal in an election she will always fight for what she thinks is right
  • Begins teaching

    Begins teaching
    Susan begins teaching at Canajohaire academy
  • starting her carrer

    starting her carrer
    Susan becomes a teacher at Canajohaire Academy
  • womens convention

    womens convention
    Attended her first women convention in 1852
  • Education

    At a New York teachers convention she called for the education of both blacks and women
  • New York teacher convention

    New York teacher convention
    Susan at the new York teachers convention fights for the rights of both blacks and women for education
  • creation of the National Womens Suffrage Association

    creation of the National Womens Suffrage Association
  • founding of the National Womens suffrage Association

    founding of the National Womens suffrage Association
    Susan founded the National Women's Suffrage Association in 1869
  • first convention

    first convention
    Susan calls for the first women suffrage convention
  • Illegal voting

    Susan voted illegally voted in 1872 presidential election she was arrested and fined 100$ ( which was a fine she never paid
  • Illegal voting

    Illegal voting
    In the 1872 Presidential election she snuck into a voting booth and voted. she was found and arrested. She was also fined 100$ which was a fine she never paid
  • pledges her money .

    Susan pledges the cash of her life insurance to university of Rochester to help cover the admission of women.
  • pledge

    Susan pledges the cash value of her life insurance to pay for the admission of women at Rochester university
  • death

    Died in her home in Rochester at the time only four states had given women the right to vote.
  • Death

    Susan died in 1906 in her Rochester home
  • 19th amendment

    the 19th amendment was added to the constitution on June 4th 1919
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    the 19th amendment was passed after Susan's death
  • Coin

    was put on a one dollar coin which she was the first to be honored.
  • coin

    in 1979 Susan B Anthony was added on to a dollar coin