
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

  • Stanton Marries Henry Stanton

    Stanton Marries Henry Stanton
    Elizabeth got married to Henry Stanton who was an abolitionists already. Being married to an abolitionists influenced her to also join the cause. Elizabeth became active in anti-slavery and later into women's rights.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Stanton, along with her new friend and abolitionists, Lucretia Mott, held the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York.There Stanton wrote "The Declaration of Sentiments" which led onto legal and social changes for women.
  • Meeting Susan B. Anthony

    Meeting Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton met on 1851. This is an significant event because they became women's rights leaders who worked together to elevate women's rights through: writing books, speeches, etc.
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton Focuses on Writing

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton Focuses on Writing
    Elizabeth stops traveling and lecturing to write books and pieces. Along with Susan B. Anthony and Matilda Gage, they wrote the History of Woman Suffrage which held 3 volumes. This book held the comprehensive documentation of activism in the woman's suffrage.