Susan B. Anthony's Birth
Susan was raised with a quaker family in Adams, Massachusetts. They family had long ativist tradions. -
First Womens Rights Convention
This was her very first meeting in Syracuse, NY. Disite being a new memeber to the concil, she nominate as a secratary. Although her partner in womens suffrage wasnt able to attend. Due to the birth of her 5th child. -
Campians for Married Womens Property Law
She campains through out New York State to extend provisions of NYS Married Women's Proertary law. -
Women's Loyal National League
It was formed in the May of 1863. To capaine for a amendment in the consitution that would abolish slavery. Stanton was the presedent and Anthony was the secratary. They collected nearly 400,000 signtures on pettions to abolish slavery. The League was the first national women's political organization in the United States. -
First Womens RIghts Convention since the Civil War
Susan B Anthony was present at this convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the leader of this convention.
17 Mar 1866 -
Joins AERA
She and ELizebeth Cady Stanton join the American Equal Rights Asscation. -
Weekly Article
Susan B. Anthony publishes her first co-written weekly article with Elizabeth Cady Stanton about women's rights.
8 Jan 1868 -
Spreading about NWSA
With Julia Ward Howe and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan formed NWSA to help educated the public about the unfairness of womens rights. -
Cast a vote in Presidental Election
At this time women were not allowed to but she still had voted. Two weeks later she was arrested and found gulity of voting the next year. -
Found Gilty
After trial of voting, she is found gulty and arrested. -
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Dies
Susan Ban Anthonys partner that introduced her to this womens suffrage movment. Dies on this day. -
Meets Presidant Theodore Roosevelt
Susan meets him to discuss womens suffarge. Also adding a amendant to the womens suffrage document. -
Susan B. Anthony's Death
Susan aged and died at the age of 86 in Rochester, New York.